International Research and Academic scholar society

IRASS Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies

Issue-1(October), Volume-1 2024

1. Factors Influencing Ghana School Feeding Programme (GSFP) Enrolment an...

Prince Awini Apambilla*, Gaayi...
Department of Counselling Psychology; University of Education Winneba, Ghana

This study focused on factors influencing Ghana School Feeding Programme (GSFP) Enrolment and Retention in Pru East District, Ghana. The research employed positivist research paradigm. The present research used descriptive cross sectional research design with quantitative research approach to collect data for the study. Also, the study population were SHEP coordinator, GSFP Desk Officer, headteacher and teachers of beneficiary school feeding schools within Pru East district. The sample size of the research was 120 respondents comprising 96 teachers, 22 headteacher, 1 SHEP Coordinator and 1 Desk Officer. The researchers used purposive sampling method to select the headteachers, SHEP coordinator, GSFP desk officer while simple random sampling method was used to select the teachers for the study using lottery method. The instrument employed to collect data for the study was closed-ended questionnaire designed by the researcher. Data collected from the field for this study was captured, edited, coded and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS v20) software programme into simple frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviation. The present finding revealed that GSFP increased enrollment in schools in Pru East district with (M=1.51; Std= 0.98) and 103(90%) of the respondents confirmed the assertion. Also, the present finding revealed that the major challenge confronting the GSFP was high caterer’s turnover with (M=1.17, SD=1.12) and 101(84.2%) of the respondents confirmed the assertion. However, the study concluded that enrollment of school continue to increase since the introduction of the GSFP in the district and there is a need to increase the number to cover more school for all children to benefit equally. The study recommended that Government should timely release fund for payment of caterers to avoid high caterers turn-over rate.

2. Methods For Assessment Biomass And Carbon Stock Of Tamarind Tree (Tama...

Donkeng Voumo Sylvain Meinrad
Research Scholar, Department of Environmental Sciences, Gokul Global University, Sidhpur (Patan), India.

Tamarindus indica L plays a pivotal role in enhancing Climate change resilience through its ability to sequester atmospheric carbon. Numerous studies have evaluated its carbon storage capabilities across various ecosystems, yet inconsistencies in estimation methods persist across different research papers. This study aimed to identify and compare these estimation techniques to reduce biases. Method of estimation Aboveground Biomass of tamarind trees by multiplying calculated trunk volume with the specific density of the trees was the most encountered. Some researchers have associated the shape of the tamarind trunk with cylinders and paraboloids for volume estimation. Specific equations for the species are available, especially in southwest Madagascar, while the pantropical equation by Chave et al 2009 is commonly used in forested areas. However, Soil Organic Carbon and the carbon assessment of Tamarind orchards are frequently neglected. Recommendations include utilizing Newton's volumetric formula or the Forest Survey of India's formula for stem volume estimation and creating orchard-specific equations. Future research should focus on advanced non-destructive techniques like remote sensing for Tamarind tree assessment.

3. Radiographic Evaluation of Short Oblique Fracture of the Distal 1/3rd...

E. I. Oviawe*, N. Abubakar, H....
Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Nigeria

Several surgical procedures can be better planned with the use of diagnostic imaging modalities. Radiography is an imaging modality that uses X-rays, or similar ionizing radiation to view the internal structures of the body. Determination of the best management option to be used for treatment of a fracture can be established through radiography. A case of humeral fracture was presented at the Small Animal Unit of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto with a chief complaint of limping on the right forelimb and reduced feed intake. It was sent to the Radiology Unit for radiograph after which it was managed using open reduction and internal fixation using improvised screw driver as intramedullary (IM) pin. Radiographic monitoring of the healing progress was done at 2 weeks interval. Healing was achieved at 6 week and the intramedullary pin was removed. The fracture healed successfully without complications.

4. Role of Microorganism in Fermentation Process

Hassan AB*, Ahmed Ali Abbas, A...
School of Sceince and Tehmology Federal Polytechnic Kaura Namoda Zamfara State.

Fermentation, a metabolic process driven by microorganisms, has been harnessed for centuries to produce various foods, beverages, and pharmaceuticals. Microorganisms, such as bacteria, yeast, and fungi, play a crucial role in converting sugars into alcohol, acids, and gases through their enzymatic activities. These microorganisms not only produce the desired end products but also contribute to the flavor, texture, and nutritional value of the fermented products. Moreover, they enable the preservation of perishable materials, improve bioavailability of nutrients, and create new bioactive compounds. This abstract highlights the significance of microorganisms in fermentation processes, their diverse applications, and their potential for future innovations in sustainable production, food security, and human health.

5. Importance of Liver in The Detoxification of Xenobiotics

Hassan AB*, Ahmed Ali Abbas, A...
School of Sceince and Tehmology Federal Polytechnic Kaura Namoda Zamfara State.

Detoxification, or detox, is the process by which the body removes harmful substances, such as toxins, xenobiotics, and waste products. Xenobiotics, including drugs, pollutants, and other foreign substances, pose a significant threat to human health. The liver plays a vital role in detoxifying these harmful compounds, protecting the body from their adverse effects. This seminar will delve into the liver's critical functions in xenobiotic detoxification, exploring the enzymatic pathways, transport mechanisms, and regulatory processes involved. Understanding the liver's role in detoxifying xenobiotics is essential for developing effective strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of these substances. This seminar aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the liver's detoxification mechanisms, highlighting their significance in maintaining human health and preventing disease.